Jigmat Skitday

Age: 9
Village: Kaya
School & Grade: 3rd Grade, Council Model School, Ayu, Ngari Institute, Saboo Village
Family Background
From a family of five with parents and three children. The family does not have a steady source of income because her mother is a housewife and the father is a temporary laborer. The family income is not enough to provide good education for the children. It is the parents’ wish to let one of the children study at the Ngari Institute Hostel. They hope that Jigmat receives a good modern education based on the traditional values.
年龄: 9
村庄: Kaya
学校 & 年级: 三年级, Council Model School, Ayu, Ngari Institute, Saboo Village
来自一家五口,父母和三个孩子。家庭没有稳定的收入来源,因为母亲是家庭主妇,父亲是临时工。家庭收入不足以为孩子提供良好的教育。父母希望让其中一个孩子在NgariInstitute Hostel学习。他们希望Jigmat在传统价值观的基础上接受良好的现代教育。v

About Educational Sponsorship Program

Why Sponsor-A-Student?

The main vision of the Ngari Institute of Buddhist Dialectics (NIBD) is to provide a modern education, under the guidance of ancient Buddhist teachings, for the underprivileged children of India’s Ladakh region. Since 2009, our generous donors and supporters from different parts of the world have been making contributions to the construction of separate hostels for boys and girls, which have a current capacity of over 60 children. In addition, a library and a small clinic were established for the Ngari children’s welfare. One of the most important sources of funding for our day-to-day operations is through the Educational Sponsorship Program. 

With a concern over growing annual expenses due to the growing number of students who require higher education, we appeal to our generous donors to sponsor the education of an NIBD student. The annual education cost for each student is US$550 and includes school fees, uniforms, and books. The sponsorship can be made through one of four choices: one-time payment or recurring payments on a monthly, quarterly, or yearly basis.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. How could I help with the other costs related to bringing up a student at NIBD?

The educational sponsorship option focuses on your student’s education. However, you are welcome to choose the full sponsorship option for your student, which is US$1,200 each year. Refer to “An Overview of the Institute” for the list of other expenses (e.g., transportation, staff salaries, hostel maintenance) that full sponsorship includes.

2. How long does the educational sponsorship last?

The student you sponsor will remain in the program as long as she/he remains in school and in the community. If the student graduates from the institute, the sponsorship will end, or you can choose another student to sponsor.

3. May I visit the student?

Yes. You are more than welcome to visit your sponsored student at NIBD in Leh, Ladakh. Please contact us to arrange for your visit.

4. How often will I hear about the student?

Once you have sponsored a student, you will receive a welcome package that includes information about the student and a letter from Geshe Tsewang Dorje, president of NIBD. Throughout the year, you will receive updates on your sponsored student.

5. May I have communication with my student?

Yes. You are encouraged to write to your sponsored student as often as you like. NIBD will send the student's letters to you via postal mail.

6. Does the money go directly to the student and her/his family?

No. Your sponsorship payments are used to provide for the student's education or other expenses while they remain at NIBD.